Passion fruit Supply Chain

Select your function position in the supply chain (only for members).

Nurseries   Farms   Collection Points   Processor   Retailer

Available plants


Lifespan of crops

Celendarmonth reports


Purchased Pomegranates

CleaningDrying reports

  in process   in process





Here is an interesting research about pomegranate growth: The findings from this study clearly indicated the possibilities of using mycorrhizae associated actinomycetes as bioinoculant for growth promotion and for control of bacterial blight in pomegranate cultivation.

In Be'er Milcah I would like to do a test with the goal to show the impact of Glomus mossae


Welcome to the (practise) Management Information System (MIS) for pomegranate. The MIS unifies nurseries, farmers, traders, processors and retailers into a cooperative supply chain. The information that is generated from the MIS attracts retailer cooperatives, investors, and farmers to join/create the chain. The traceability of food production is often a mandatory standard by most retailers, so there should be agreed on the obligation of record keeping by farmer, collection point manager, processor, and retailer via this MIS.

Pomegranate Supply Chain

Select your function position in the supply chain (only for members).

Nurseries   Farms   Collection Points   Processor   Retailer

Available plants


Lifespan of crops

Celendarmonth reports


Purchased Pomegranates

CleaningDrying reports

  in process   in process





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