Why uploading photos?

This website has many hits via google search results. Almost any plant detail is mentioned; including 6 different photos. By logging in or making an account you can upload your own photos of the plant species from your region. The best photo of every diferent species will be pasted posted by the administrator in the plant database.

How to upload photos?

For every different species the website needs 6 different photos and those can be uploaded via the following links:

  1. ADD or VIEW Detail photo, or VIEW Unknown detail photos
  2. ADD or VIEW Vertical photo or VIEW Unknown vertical photos
  3. ADD or VIEW Seedling photo or VIEW Unknown seedling photos
  4. ADD or VIEW Stem photo or VIEW Unknown stem photos
  5. ADD or VIEW Seeds photo or VIEW Unknown seeds
  6. ADD or VIEW Product photo or VIEW Unknown crops


1. Detail Photo























 Requirements for detail photo:

  • filetype = jpg, png
  • filesize below 1 mb
  • width x height = 770 x 768 pixels
  • the photo must show plant details as such to recognize the plant by Genus_variety. Distinctive flowers, leaves, fruits, pods, etc. for example.
  • there is only 1 photo selected per species, so the most appropriate photo will be chosen out of the list of uploaded photos by the administrator.

Upload HERE your detail photo. You can view all uploaded photos HERE, but you cannot edit them or delete, except your own uploaded photos. You need to be logged in before the links to work.


2. Vertical photos




























Requirements for detail photo:

  • filetype = jpg, png
  • filesize below 1 mb
  • width x height = 500 x 750 pixels
  • the photo must be of the selected species in mature state in full size, preferably with a great nature.
  • there is only 1 photo selected per species, so the most appropriate photo will be chosen out of the list of uploaded photos by the administrator.

Upload HERE your vertical photo. You can view all uploaded photos HERE, but you cannot edit them or delete, except your own uploaded photos. You need to be logged in before the links to work.


3. Seedling Photo




Requirements for detail photo:

  • filetype = jpg, png
  • filesize below 1 mb
  • width x height = 500 x 750 pixels
  • the photo must be the seedling of the selected species
  • there is only 1 photo selected per species, so the most appropriate photo will be chosen out of the list of uploaded photos by the administrator.

Upload HERE your seedling photo. You can view all uploaded photos HERE, but you cannot edit them or delete, except your own uploaded photos. You need to be logged in before the links to work.


4. Stem Photo




Requirements for detail photo:

  • filetype = jpg, png
  • filesize below 1 mb
  • width x height = 770 x 768 pixels
  • the photo must show the stem or bark of the tree and partly the roots or soil.
  • there is only 1 photo selected per species, so the most appropriate photo will be chosen out of the list of uploaded photos by the administrator.

Upload HERE your detail photo. You can view all uploaded photos HERE, but you cannot edit them or delete, except your own uploaded photos. You need to be logged in before the links to work.


5. Seeds photo






















Requirements for detail photo:

  • filetype = jpg, png
  • filesize below 1 mb
  • width x height = 770 x 768 pixels
  • the photo must show the seeds of the selected species. It can also be used to make seed advertisements.
  • there is only 1 photo selected per species, so the most appropriate photo will be chosen out of the list of uploaded photos by the administrator.

Upload HERE your detail photo. You can view all uploaded photos HERE, but you cannot edit them or delete, except your own uploaded photos. You need to be logged in before the links to work.